About us

About our company

Armenian-Swiss Joint Venture “Astra” was established on 1990by “Fela Planungs AG” (Switzerland) and “Mars” Public Enterprise (Armenia) producer of programmable command-apparatus. Swiss experts using fabrication methods and now-how of following famous Swiss Companies constructed the factory: “Extramet AG” manufacturing of hard alloy (tungsten carbide) by method of powder metallurgy and “Sphinx AG” – production of high-precision solid tungsten carbide instruments.

The whole staff of company passed job training in Swiss leading firms.

At present time individual proprietor of shares of “Astra” is “Fela Planungs AG” (Switzerland).

It is more than 25 years is being specialized in production and development of high-precision solid tungsten carbide instruments used in various industries, especially Mechanical, Electronic, Jewelry, Medicine and other branches of Economy.
A special drill string can be manufactured by request of a customer.

1. High-precision solid tungsten carbide Drills and Routers (milling cutters) for machining Printed Circuit Boards (PCB), used in electronic equipment.

The available ranges of diameters
Drills from 0.100 to 0.340 mm (step 0.01) – Micro
from 0.350 to 6.000 mm (step 0.05)
Routers from 0.600 to 3.175 mm (step 0.10)
Total length: 38.10 mm

The diameter of the drill shank may be by request of customer 2.000mm, 2.350mm, 3.000mm or 3.175 mm ( 1/8″)
All critical dimensional features are satisfying to the high dimensional requirements of the international standards.

2. High-precision cylindrical solid tungsten carbide Drills are assigned for drilling different materials (copper and aluminum alloy, doped alloy, extra-hard, heatproof titanium alloys…), used in a tool industry.

The drilled holes are remarkable for a high accuracy and surface finish, under maintenance preferred cutting modes for each type of material, depending on diameter of used drills. A special drill can be manufactured by request of a customer.

The possible diameters of the drills from 0.100 to 6.30 mm (step 0.01)
Total length: up to 93 mm

3. Solid tungsten carbide Instruments (burs) for jewellery industry and Medicine (prosthesis, traumatology).
The available ranges of diameters from 0.600 to 2.350 mm.
The diameter of the drill shank is 2.350 mm.
The instruments (burs) may be cylindrical, conical and cut-off.
The solid tungsten carbide burs produced in our company are remarkable for product life, excellent in cutting behaviors and high accuracy of surface finish.

All above listed instruments are produced according to the technology and drafts, which are given by Swiss famous firm “Sphinx AG” and developed by research-and-development center of Astra.

4. Tungsten carbide manufactures of broad-spectrum
” Tungsten carbide rods of different circumcisions with internal through hole along the full length. The available ranges of diameters from 1.30 to 20.00 mm, total length: up to 320.00 mm

” Tungsten carbide filers dies for cable production die mold for synthesis of diamond, bushes, punches, sand-jet tips.
A special drill string can be projected and produced by request of a customer.

Above listed tungsten carbide manufactures are produced using method of powder metallurgy using the technology and equipments of one of the world-leader in this field Swiss company “Extramet AG”.

The instruments are being delivered in hard plastic packages in 10, 25, and 100 pieces, according to the ordered amount. The hard plastic packages completely safeguards commodity from external exposures during transportation.

The Quality
Today Astra JV is completely provided with equipments of leading companies. Strong tolerances and quality control is accomplished during the whole production cycle on Swiss-made high-precision controlling and measuring apparatus.
Tolerance for diameter – 0.005 mm, for length – 100 mm.
Non-cylindrical shape – up to 0.003 mm, for length – 100 mm.
Nonoccurrence – up to 0.005 mm, for length – 100 mm.

The material
Mixture of powders of tungsten carbide is with the contents 6-10 % of cobalt, depending on the produced instrument. Tungsten carbide rods produced by world-leaders of production of hard alloy, like “Konrad Friedrichs”,”Sandvik”, “Plansee Tizit”, “Hard Mettal”, are also used.

For micro instruments grain of used powders is from 0,200 to 0,400 microns, for large diameters starting with 0.08mm grain of used powders is from 0,500 to 0,600 microns.
Hardness on Vickers is from 1700-1900 unites.
The material is completely imported from Europe.


Parent enterprise:
Our address: 110/16 Gusan Sheram street, Yerevan, ARM-0064
Phone: +37410 740620
+37491 402892 (mobile)
Phone/Fax: +37410 545474
E-mail: astratools1@gmail.com
Ask for Mr. Hovhannes Mkrtchyan, General director

Representative office in Europe
Eschenweg 6
A-8401 Kalsdorf
Phone.: +43 1 25-301-700-73
(Mo.-Fr. / 08:00-19:00)
Fax: +43 1 25-301-800-73
E-mail: office@varioimpex.eu
Ask for General Manager: Mrs. Marina Parikyan

Representative office in USA
“Astra JV”
Address: 7101 Whitsitt Ave. Unit 3
North Hollywood, CA 91605-5434
Phone/Fax :+1 818 2476370
Cell Phone: +1 818 6316370
E-mail: vstepanyan@sbcglobal.net
Ask for Mr. Vahan Stepanyan, commercial director.